Eƒé bé dzogbenyui, Yasara’al! (Happy New Year, Yasara’al)
The Significance of Almond Trees for Biblical EƲE-Yasara’al New Year
Almond Trees were abundant in ancient Kana (Canaan) and still are. The almond tree flowers in early spring (late January to early February of the modern World Commerces Calendar), which is early for a flowering fruit tree.
The EƲE-Hebrew word for Almond is, “Yeʋuziti” also referred to - Almond Tree Blossoms
Ye - The very thing (Note: New - Yeye)
Ʋu - Open/Spread/Increase (Note: Ʋuʋu - Shake)
Zi - Still (Resting) (Note in context can mean: Time)
Ti - Tree (Ati - In context)
Meaning: “The Still Tree Blossom/Open a New Thing”
It is the sign that Spring is here. Life is Reawakened. The Sabbath of Winter has come to its end.
The Akaɖiti (Menorah)
The almond tree is mentioned a number of times in the Scriptures and is a source of one of Yasara’al’s most important symbols: The Akaɖiti Adre (7 Menorah).
The Akaɖiti (Menorah) is a seven-branched candlestick, which is found in many those who gain knowledge within the EƲE-Hebrew homes. It is a cultural symbol of the family of Yasara’al.
Exodus 25:33-34, YEƲE tells Mose to make a candlestick "like unto almonds." also in
Exodus 37:19-20, Mose is told that the candle holders should be shaped like an almond blossom: "Three cups, shaped like an almond blossom, were on one branch with a knob and a flower..."
Genesis 43:11, the almond is described as "the best of fruits,"
Numbers 17:8 and Hebrews 9:4, Alɔ (Aaron) rod sprouted almonds.
In Yeremyah 1:11-12 YEƲE asks Yeremyah what do you see? When Yeremyah replies, "I see an almond tree," YEƲE says, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled."
The Yeʋuziti and The Akaɖiti are both used for Seeing and Watching.
Selɔmi and Yayra!